Those are questions I've found myself pondering in the past and questions I often get from others. What should buy organically and what things don't matter quite as much?

Inside today's podcast, we dive into the truth about organic foods, what you need to know, what foods you should focus on buying organically and how this impacts the health of our bodies.

It's a show to listen to, especially if you wrestle with these same questions. Also, make sure to keep reading the post where I share five ways to get organic on a budget.

But before we get to either, can I get on my soapbox? Okay, good, because I'm going there.

While I do believe this is a valid conversation and in some cases debate, the truth of the matter is that the most important thing is just choosing to eat more whole foods. If you're still working on that aspect, do NOT worry about whether it is organic or not. Because if we look at death rates in America, the number one and number two cases of death still boil down to what type of diet people are eating, processed versus whole.

And if we go another step then we can grasp that produce only accounts for a small percentage of chemical usage, so switching from processed foods to more whole foods is still going to decrease the chemical exposure in general. So rather than arguing so hard over organic or not, I think we first need to clarify that the most critical element is still whole foods, whether that is organic or conventionally raised.

After you achieve that massive step, then you may want to consider what is inside this podcast.


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