There is a lot of movement in the work of what our environment is doing to our health. Which is exciting coming off an age when all we focused on and talked about and treated were symptoms.

An age where dieting was the answer, not to mention all the rage.

But times are changing. We're learning more and discovering that while diet and exercise are beneficial and necessary, they definitely aren't the end all be all.

We know this because of the countless thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people who eat right and exercise well and yet cease to see any results.

The dreaded fear we all think about when embarking on yet another health regimen.

But I'm here to tell you that we know there is so much more to the health equation than simply what we eat and how much we exercise.

In fact, our lifestyle, our environment, our mindset equate to over half of that equation. So it's time to start talking about it and today we're doing just that.

Today's podcast is with expert Dr. Hannah Anderson. We dive into everyday items that could be destroying your hormones. It's not something to fear but something to take action on because in most cases we still have control.