I have yet to talk much about the nitty-gritty of losing my health and fighting to get it back. Actually, it's been less of a fight and more of a learning process. The short story is I was doing everything right, eating well, exercising and living the traditional busy life of hustle. Not to mention raising three little girls all under the age of six.

I was doing it, chasing the shiny objects all while forgetting the essentials of life. I was giving, going, doing and becoming. I was trying desperately to be everything for everyone.

Unfortunately, this all came crashing down and quickly. Just after the first of the year in 2016, I found myself in multiple doctors offices, medical tests, blood work and ultimately begging for someone to help get my health back. Fortunately, I found a practitioner who helped change not only my health but my overall beliefs about health.

It was here, through daily {yes daily} appointments I had for a few weeks that I had an epiphany. Not just one but many along with many wake-up calls and many decisions I had to make about my lifestyle. This "healthy" life I thought I was living was actually making me sick and I believe it could be making you as well.


Learn more: https://simplerootswellness.com/055