Expectations have a way of wreaking havoc on life. It can really suck the joy out of all things.

I say this knowing full well what living in a life full of expectations can do. The problem was for the longest time I never realized that expectations were the root of a lot of arguments, anger, and let-downs. I truly believed that expectations were, well expected in this life.

I mean it's kind of ingrained in us from the time we were little ones. There's no escaping it, from expecting our children to behave well, to expect to get paid on time, to expecting everything in your day to go perfectly planned or how about expecting to lose weight on your next "diet". And the list continues.

But what happens when reality strikes, your kids fall apart, your paycheck comes in a few days late or you get stuck in traffic only to be late for your 8:00 am meeting? You become reactive. In my case, reactive means angry, distraught and anxious about the realities that have actually happened that seem to be far from what I expected.

Maybe it's the fantasy land we create or believe others are living simply because of the perfection of social media. Maybe it is just a human tendency to want to be right. I'm not really sure where the urge to create unending expectations comes in but the reality, they're sabotaging our chances of actually getting what we've set out to get, of meeting our goals.

So before you get into today's episode on preventing expectations and all of the reasons you should change it up and forget them I want to ask you, are your expectations met? What happens when they aren't? How does it make you feel and why do you even make them?

Just a little light thinking for you ;)


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