There are those times in your life where you feel like your reality just gets slapped across your face.

Mostly because I like to keep myself too busy to notice the obvious, especially when the obvious is hard.

Alli's book was handed to me in one of those moments. One of those seasons where I was drowning in everything from the endless amount of e-mails in my inbox, to school snacks that I kept forgetting, mounds of laundry (we’re talking like an entire pack-n-play full (which makes a rather nice clothes basket) and twenty different projects I said yes to, eighteen of which I was regretting.

Fortunately, it wasn’t an angry moment when my sister handed me this book and declared the entire family was going to read it. I actually looked at the title and started salvaging because I knew my life was mass chaos. No beautiful mess here, just grimy, icky, horrible mess.

As I dug into the book, I couldn’t put it down. It was as if she was speaking to me word by word, page by page. I needed it, I soaked it in and I wished for more when it was over so I just read it again.

My life was far beyond busy and I had reached every end of overcapacity.

I realized I was a hypocrite a liar and that was just getting through the shell.

Here I was someone promoting and posting to the world advice that I wished I could take but knew I didn’t have the means to. I mean the laundry never ends, looking for work never ends, the to-do list is never, ever gone. I surely couldn’t break free of busyness but I wanted everyone else to because I knew the damage.

But I hit the pit. What seemed like a bottomless pit of shame, guilt and still a never-ending to-do list was pretty rocky. I got bruised and battered on the way down but looking back it was exactly the jolt I needed to get my head back above water and breathe.

What started out as gasping for air has now just turned into a lot of daily deep breaths. And while I’d like to tell you I’ve broken free, I haven’t yet. I’m still plagued with fear, worry, and anxiety about what is next, about letting go and ultimately missing out. Yet the other side of me recognizes and realizes and sees that in breaking busy I’m actually more free to be me.

The journey never ends I’m sure but I’m hoping today’s show will be the boost of encouragement you need to get rid of the things that hold you back and truly become the person you know you can be.

Today’s episode will rock your socks off!


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