There are a lot of emotions attached to the scale or better yet the number that glares back at you when you step on the scale. Fear, anxiety, panic, dread, failure or on the other spectrum, excitement, success and joy. It's amazing that a cheap hunk of plastic from the store can attract so much emotion. In fact, it's one of the few overlooked things in  our society that carries the weight of not just you but the emotional weight as well.

So what happens when you look at the scale?

Are you getting squirmish already?

Maybe you don't even own a scale. I didn't have one for many years myself. I held my fist high in the pep rally to just toss the scale that happened a few years ago. To get rid of it, purge the very thing causing all of the pain. But I learned that this didn't help. It didn't help at all.

You'll want to tune into this episode to find out why ditching the scale may not be the best answer and learn all the reasons you should actually make friends with it.


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