If you'd prefer to read this post instead, head here. And for more current snapshots of how this hack has worked in our family, check out my day in the life posts over the years

Discover Jamie's books and her new course, Homeschooling with Purpose! Through the end of January 2022 get $20 off the course with the code NEWYEAR20

Today's episode is sponsored by Reading Eggs!

What's Your Homeschool Mom Personality? Take Jamie's quiz and get your free personality report at simplehomeschool.net/quiz

So I don’t know if you guys have noticed, but kids can be LOUD.

Confession: I don’t particularly care for loud.

Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I knew I had to make life at home at least a little quieter if I was going to survive it, as well as add homeschooling to the mix.

My own conundrum led to an idea. One that’s gone on to save my sanity and allow me to continue homeschooling long-term - listen in and be encouraged!