In this week’s episode of the SIMPLE brand With Matt Lyles podcast I talk with Stephanie Stuckey, CEO of Stuckey's Corporation. 

If you’re my age, or even older, you likely remember the roadside retail brand - Stuckey’s. At one time it was the main roadside convenience store chain along much of the U.S. highways. If you were on a family road trip, you knew that was the place where you could stop and get a consistent experience, lots of treats - including their famous pecan log, and lots of souvenirs to keep everyone occupied in the car. 

But I understand if you’re not that familiar with Stuckey’s - it’s not the road trip icon that it once was. At their peak, Stuckey’s had over 350 locations in the U.S. Now they have less than 70.

As Stuckey’s fell out of family hands and was sold and resold to different owners, the brand has been struggling for decades. Until now. 

In late 2019 Stephanie Stuckey, grand-daughter of founder W.S. Stuckey, purchased and took the leadership reigns over Stuckey’s and now she’s full-steam ahead on turning the brand around.

Stephanie and I discuss all the work she’s been doing  to mount a brand comeback story that’s redefining the road trip experience and capturing the hearts of nostalgia-loving fans everywhere. From her scrappy marketing strategy, to simplifying her operations, to the lessons she learned from her grandfather, to turning a profit for the first time in over five years - it’s all a fascinating discussion that gives you some great insight into how to revive a dying brand. 


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