In this week’s episode of the SIMPLE brand With Matt Lyles podcast I talk with Carla Johnson about her latest book, RE:Think Innovation!

I preach “Innovating to stay ahead” as one of the key behaviors that creates simple experiences. But there’s a challenge with innovation.

People make innovation much harder than it has to be. They think innovation is confusing, complicated, intimidating, complex. They think you need a special degree or training to do innovation right. They think it’s something that only elite natural-born geniuses are capable of.

And because of these assumptions, most people think that they’re not innovative.

The truth is, consistently coming up with great, innovative, creative ideas isn’t a talent you’re born with or a skill that takes years to learn. Anyone can do it. But it does help to have a process to understand HOW to be innovative.


And that’s why I’m glad to talk with Carla Johnson in this episode. Carla’s one of the top marketing keynote speakers. And she’s a bestselling author of multiple books with her latest book coming out this summer: RE:Think Innovation: How the World’s Most Prolific Innovators Come Up With Great Ideas That Deliver Extraordinary Outcomes.


In RE:Think Innovation,  Carla teaches how to make innovation everyone’s business. In fact - she’s got a goal to teach one million people how to become innovative thinkers by 2025 - and today - you get to be one of those people.



Carla's book: RE:Think InnovationCarla's siteCarla on InstagramCarla on Twitter

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