As Oprah Winfrey once said, "You get free money, and you get free money, everybody gets free money!"

Based on this totally legit infamous quote, this episode is about UBI - not Union Bank of India as google would mention it but Universal Basic Income. A concept also known as citizen's income, UBI does have some interesting perks which help the average person live a better life. Other famous people have also encouraged the notion of UBI like Martin Luther King Jr, Mark Zuckerberg and Andrew Yang. So we did some research to talk about the yin and yang of UBI and the impact it will have on the global economy.

Meet your hosts aka The Ultracrepidarians!
Chuck | Naren | Srikeit | Tony
Instagram: @chuckofalltrades | @shenoynv | @srikeit | @notytony
Twitter: @chuck_gopal | @shenoyn | @srikeit | @notytony

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Simblified is:
An Indian podcast that takes things that happen around us and deconstructs them in a manner you can understand and impress your colleagues, next interviewer, date or cat. Run by four folks seeking a return to the "good ol' days of Twitter" - Chuck, Naren, Srikeit & Tony, Simblified has the guarantee of "if we can understand it, you can!" and proceeds to look at everything from technology to politics to weird phenomena to questions you never knew you wanted to be answered. Along the way, you'll hear lots of bad jokes, facts, PG Wodehouse references, and more bad jokes. Hopefully, you'll have a laugh.

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