Simblified upgraded from a rusty bike to a creaky autorickshaw when we got Srikeit on as a 3rd host a few years ago, and now we've traded our beloved tuk-tuk to a sleek electric car zippin' down the highways, turning heads and causing admiration, all while delighting onlookers and generally improving lives of everyone who happens to be within 3 sq km of it. Um, well - at least that's what we told Tony in the brochure. So yes, we have decided to get Tony Sebastian on as our 4th co-host. Fans will remember him as a frequent guest on year-end episodes, and that one time he told us about crosswords. We thought we'd spend an episode talking about him and his past, upbringing and his adorable Mallu accent but instead we do a lot of nonsense ramble instead. It's still a highly entertaining "episode". So say hello to the one and only Tony Sebastian!

It's an Indian podcast - probably the best to come from Malad West - that takes things that happen around us, and deconstructs them in a language you can understand, often surmounting several puns and PG Wodehouse references along the way. We aim to make you appear smarter during parties, job interviews, and dates.

We would love to hear from you about what you think of the show. You can ping us on
Twitter: @chuck_gopal, @srikeit, @shenoyn, @notytony
Instagram: @chuckofalltrades, @srikeit, @shenoynv, @notytony

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