Welcome to the Silk Roads and Monsoon Winds Podcast. A podcast where we look at everything modern Asia!

In the second episode of this podcast series, I am joined by Manimugdha Sharma, current news editor for The Times of India and military history enthusiast. 

We discuss Indian military history from the early modern period up to post-Independence. In part 1 of this episode, we cover the Mughal approach to warfare, what allowed the British to dominate the subcontinent and the responses of native dynasties, the Martial Races theory and its lasting legacy, and the historiography of the Sepoy Revolt of 1857.  

Follow Mani at @quizzicalguy 

Intro and outro music: 'Six Feet Off The Ground' by Nana Kwabena

Cover picture: 'the 93rd Highlanders entering the breach in the wall of the Secunderbagh, Lucknow, 16th November 1857 during the Indian Mutiny'. Linked here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:The_93rd_Sutherland_Highlanders,_November_1857_during_the_Indian_Mutiny.jpg 

CORRECTION: at 1:13:00 Mr. Sharma stated that it was the 3rd Bengal Native Infantry which revolted at Meerut. In fact he meant to say 3rd Bengal Light Cavalry.