Welcome to the Silk Roads and Monsoon Winds Podcast. A podcast where we look at everything modern Asia!

Joining me for my first ever episode is Twitter personality, political aficionado, and self-described conversational lubricant Rohan Javet Beg. 

We discuss Malaysia in light of its recent historic general election on May 9th 2018. We talk about racial politics, free speech and political discourse, Malaysia's foreign policy, the East-West divide, and the role of Islam in Malaysian society and its institutions. 

Follow Rohan at @RohanBeg

Sources mentioned in episode.





Intro and outro music: 'Six Feet Off The Ground' by Nana Kwabena 

Cover picture: 'Kuala Lumpur in the heavy monsoon rain, 1997' by Stuart Franklin (Magnum Photos). Linked here: https://www.facebook.com/KLstreetphotographer/photos/a.2274763096089537/2274763866089460/?type=3&theater