This Saturday, August 31, 2019  11 am (Eastern) 10 am (Central) on Behind the Blue Curtain we’ll give shout outs to the Officers and Citizens who are doing the right thing before we get into the topic of the day.  This Saturday we’re going to discuss what I call “The Trojan Horse.”  Within every group, whether it’s the Police, Politicians, Church, Blue Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter or any of the other organizations that push towards conflict resolution there are those whose actions are contrary to the group’s goals.  Throughout history (particularly during the Civil Rights Era) we saw how people on the inside worked against the goals of the group.  While everyone is focused on “those people” the ones doing the damage fit right in, either by race, religion, political affiliation or socio-economic status.  These people work to keep sides divided while claiming false allegiance to one group over the other.  The call-in number is 646-716-4621then press 1 on your phone if you [‘d like to join the conversation.  The Facebook Live Crew will be in the house along with   Det Joseph Moseley, BTBC Law Enforcement Liaison, Tyrone K Dunmore, BTBC Resident Student Teacher, Cassandra McDonald, BTBC Legal Analysist and Walter Gus Glover, BTBC Community Correspondent.  Please be mindful of your background noise while you’re on the line.  Join us!