Hi, I’m Sukhraj Singh from Sikh Archive and welcome to the third episode in our Podcast series of conversations with historians, authors, academics, journalists and activists on topics related to their areas of expertise on Sikh or Panjabi history.

In this episode, we are joined by Visvajit Sriramrajan, who is a journalist and a Sikh studies research assistant from New York. He is Tamil and will be discussing the parallels between the Tamil and Sikh community with respect to the shared philosophy from the time of Guru Nanak to the resistance against the Indian state from both communities in the 1980s.  

I came to learn about Visvajit from his twitter thread which really sparked a conversation about the involvement of Sikh soldiers in the Indian Army that inflicted horrific war crimes including murder, torture and rape against the Tamil people, and what lasting impression that had on the Tamil community with regards to who the Sikhs were. We discuss in our conversation that tweet among a plethora of other important talking points which I hope you enjoy listening to and learning more about today. 

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