Hi, I’m Sukhraj Singh from Sikh Archive and welcome to the 26th episode of our Podcast series of conversations with historians, authors, academics, researchers and activists on topics related to their areas of expertise on Sikh or Panjabi history.

In this episode we are joined by Manimugdha Sharma, who is primarily a journalist but also a historian and is the author of the book, “Allahu Akbar - Understanding the Great Mughal in Today’s India”. We talk about the current state of India and the historical context of Akbar with particular reference to religious tolerance and right wing politics.

I am really glad I came across his work and I think it’s a very well timed piece which takes a closer look at India as a modern nation state and offers a critique of such nationalism in that respect against the backdrop of a Mughal history to challenge the ever increasing imagination of an exclusive Hindu India.

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