Having a creative mind is a blend of objective, thinking and imagining. Martial Arts, Life Circumstances and Business all favor those who can be creative when necessary. In our Kungfu Training I put as much emphasis on the state of mind while you do something as I do on the performance of what you doing.

Exercise a Creative Mind in Your QiGong, Use it in Your Martial Arts

Podcast of Tibetan Kungfu #57 looks into :

Sugars in Your Diet

Mental and Emotional Health as related to sugars.

Health risks associated with excessive sugars.

Creative Minds

Its not the old 'left brain' and 'right brain' theory anymore.

Where is the 'physical structure' of a creative mind?

What are the 4 stages of being creative?

How can you use creativity?

Why is it important in life, business and martial arts?

Are there things you can do to find creativity and exercise it?

How to use meditation to cultivate a creative mind.

What are some

of the coolest creations in 2015?

You may also be interested in:


Creative Mind: Myths and Mechanisms

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