Critical to Success in Life, Business and Martial Arts is the ability to

dynamically respond.

During TKF Podcast #56 we will look at :

What does a fluid, dynamic response mean?

Why is it essential?

How do you become readily responsive?

3 Domains that it is essential :

It applies in business : Article on businesses that dynamically respond,

and succeed.

In Life : Charles Darwin points to responsiveness over all other

qualities. Forbes has article on how personal career's fail when we

can't flex to respond.

In Martial Arts, Self Protection : Your ability to have any defense is

correlated with your agility to flex with circumstances and your


5 Steps to Becoming Dynamically Responsive

In the next newsletter, I will put the 5

Steps to Becoming Dynamically Responsive Outline

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most

intelligent, but the one most responsive to change,” by Charles Darwin.

Also Mentioned in Podcast #56


MindWave Mobile BrainWave Starter Kit

Charles Darwin

TKF Episode #32 : Mindset and Attitude as Revealed Thru Your Kungfu

TKF Episode #35 : Committment

in Practice