We often get lost in the what appears to be “separate issues”. With some reflection, and “Quieting the Heart”, we can find thread that will point to Common Denominators.

When learning kungfu, whether for martial, medical or health, you have to be able to slow your mind down enough to see the links.

In a story with Ava, you will see how she realizes their is a connection and then learns how to explore it deeper.

How we find the common denominator can vary, thats why I take each person individually in the journey. However, the tools we use to get there are similar, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, BaGua Walking, and Quiet the Heart meditation.

During this episode is the story of Ava, a young lady that pauses in her life to ask "why do I keep finding myself in these unpleasant situations?"

This triggers investigating ourselves, without judgement, but awareness.

Thank you to Dian - Subscribing to our Youtube, Mr. Adair - iTunes and Mr. Harper - Email

*** BaGua Workshop is filled *** We can still squeeze in one or two, if you want to come in.

*** Tai Chi 4 week course is ready to kick off

*** Kung Fu Boot camp, the 8 week fitness course will go in August

Let us know what you think. If you have a story, let us hear it.

Episode Page: http://bit.ly/1kT13tV



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twitter / google + / pintrest / goodreads : tibetankungfu

Thank you for listening and sharing your time with us.

Sifu TW Smith