Mindfulness Meditation isn’t easy. I will give you easy 15 reasons not to work on it. Then I will give you over 20 compelling reasons why to do it.

Whether you choose to meditate or not, you are making progress

As we discussed in Last Episode : Awakened by Crime : TKF 011, whether you prepare or not, you are preparing.


Thank you Stephen for your kind text

Mike for the Asheboro Zoo possibilities

Thanks Scott for helping me use Skype

Calm Water Online Meditation Course / www.tibetankungfu.net/calmwater

#12 Podcast : 15 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Meditate / 21 Reasons Why You Should

Dan Harris, @danbharris Nightline and Good Morning America

"It is Like Walking into a zoo"

We go through:

Real and current reasons not to meditate

Compelling reasons why you should meditate

Touch in the sciences

Review article by Mr. Dan Harris, with his permission

Learn MindFul Meditation Without Religion or Theory

Part 2 will build on the sciences and how to....

Meditation / Informed Decisions :)

This Podcast will have a PDF and Video portion after part 2

You will be able to follow along

Download and re-read later

Honorable Mention, we reference during the podcast : TKF 004 Boots on the Ground Meditation 


Calm Water Online Meditation Course / 2 Weeks of Daily Guidance and Training : www.tibetankungfu.net/calmwater/

Mindfulness Workshop Without Religion One Hour : www.tibetankungfu.net/mindful/

Itunes Book / 10% Happier : How I Tamed the Voice in My Head - Dan Harris

Amazon Book / 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head - Dan Harris

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