So you've started your podcast using the Buzzsprout link below and have received your $20 Amazon gift card. You're excited to record and share your voice globally,however, after a couple of episodes you realise you don't have anything to talk about anymore and your listeners are eagerly waiting.

You are frustrated that you might lose your audience and that they might not be able to take you seriously anymore. Well, after doing 100+ episodes, I understand the problem you are facing and in this episodes I break down some of the hacks I use to come up with content when I feel I have exhausted every bit of information.

Head on to our website and subscribe to the weekly marketing digest.

You can find me on social media @iamkiamaaugustine or @siftgroupx or send me an email to [email protected]

Support the show by leaving a review, rating and sharing it. It goes a long way. Until next time !

Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched!
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