Creating a good and compelling copy for your client or business can become a daunting task, especially if you are not skilled at luring attention from your audience through written content.

Copywriting as explained in the previous episode is very different from content writing with the latter used for information purposes if not ranking purposes. Content can however be repurposed into creative copy that can help businesses convert their traffic either into leads, paying customers, newsletter subscribers e.t.c . This all depends on the strategic goals of the business.

In this episode I list some of the tools that can aid you while creating a good copy and also explain why copywriting is not an easy task as it might seem at the start. I also go further in the episode to explain where you can get professional assistance  for your copywriting tasks if you are not confident with your level of expertise and also at a friendly cost.

Send in your questions to [email protected] or find me on social media @iamkiamaaugustine.

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