Hello and welcome to a new mini series from Sidepodcast, The Great Debates. Formula One is surrounded by endless discussion, speculation, rumour and opinions, but there are some subjects that are more deep rooted than others, some that go right to the heart of what makes F1 the spectacle that it is today – for good, or for bad.

Hello and welcome to a new mini series from Sidepodcast, The Great Debates. Formula One is surrounded by endless discussion, speculation, rumour and opinions, but there are some subjects that are more deep rooted than others, some that go right to the heart of what makes F1 the spectacle that it is today – for good, or for bad.

This series, we aim to investigate some of those debates and whilst not definitively answering the questions, at least making sure they are asked. These shows were originally broadcast individually across seven consecutive days, but are gathered here in one omnibus edition for easy listening.

Here are the links to the individual show notes:

Is F1 entertainment or sport?Which F1 qualifying format is best?Is F1 a team or individual sport?How safe is too safe?Should classic F1 circuits be so highly rated?What is the ideal length of an F1 season?Can you compare F1 eras?

Although the shows may be over, the debates will no doubt continue. Let me know your thoughts on any of the topics covered, as well as on any potential debates for future series, just head on over to the contact form or get in touch in the usual ways!

See more on The Great Debates - Series 1 Omnibus