Following the feedback we received after our last show, we have attempted to rectify the situation by getting the experts in to talk all about the Indy 500. If you've never seen any IndyCar racing before, like at least one half of the Sidepodcast pair, then pay attention as Pat and Lukeh guide us all through what to expect over the next couple of days.

Following the feedback we received after our last show, we have attempted to rectify the situation by getting the experts in to talk all about the Indy 500. If you've never seen any IndyCar racing before, like at least one half of the Sidepodcast pair, then pay attention as Pat and Lukeh guide us all through what to expect over the next couple of days.

From Fernando Alonso's motivation to his performance so far, we cover the triple crown of motorsport, the accident suffered by Sébastien Bourdais, the teammates lining up to help out of F1 star, as well as Alexander Rossi's about face with regards to his attitude towards his new favourite sport.

There's also time to discuss what happens when it rains at Indy, the big bold pre-race spectacle and of course, make a couple of predictions. Our resident experts also promise to come back and debrief the race with us once it's all over and done with.

Get in touch!

Credit: SidepodcastAs discussedFollow Lukeh on TwitterFollow Pat on TwitterSubscribe to Pat's IndyCar Twitter list2017 Indy 500 – UK TV ScheduleLong Read: Thoughts on Fernando Alonso entering the Indianapolis 500F1 Debrief - Go as fast as you can and hope for the bestBourdais discharged from hospital

See more on F1 Debrief - Insanity personified in a circle

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