Over the years, emerging research has illustrated how bacteria and fungi function in harmony in the body. When one population becomes deficient or overgrows, it has a profound effect on the delicate ecosystem of your gut. This is a concept we discuss in depth in episode 25, which is all about Candida and SIFO.

In today’s conversation, we are going to discuss one specific function of this relationship: the joint colonies that bacteria and fungi form to ensure their survival. This defensive strategy is called a biofilm, and the presence of these fortresses in the gut is one reason why antibiotic or antimicrobial treatments like those used to target SIBO can fail.

Many practitioners will recommend taking a “biofilm buster” as a prong of your SIBO protocol. In this episode, I’m joined by Dr. Mahmoud Ghannoum, the author of the new book Total Gut Balance, to discuss how biofilms work, various strategies for their eradication, and how small tweaks to your diet can aid in the process.

If you’ve been trying to treat SIBO and keep failing, learning more about biofilms may help you come up with a more effective plan B for beating your bacteria.


A quick taste of what we’ll cover: What mast cells’ role is in the immune system and why they contribute to chronic inflammation How mast cells issues relate to other autoimmune conditions The connection to histamine intolerance The genetic predispositions that could make someone more susceptible to immune issues like MCAS What a low histamine diet should actually entail Pharmaceutical options for MCAS and why it’s not the only answer Why it’s a good thing to be a sensitive canary! And so much more…   Resources, mentions and notes: Mahmoud Ghannoum’s website Mahmoud Ghannoum’s book, Total Gut Balance Biohm Probiotic Allicin Garlic EP 26 | Yeast and Other Beasts with Dr. Ami Kapadia Phoebe’s book, The Wellness Project, on her journey with Hashimoto’s Join the SIBO Made Simple Facebook Community Page Subscribe to receive a free low FODMAP cookbook


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Disclaimer: The information in this podcast does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, or treatment. The information discussed is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical or professional care.