Mast Cell Activation Syndrome only got an official diagnosis code a few years ago, and yet, it is a condition that explains so much about what goes wrong with the immune system and how that dysfunction can lead to chronic inflammation. If you loved last season’s episode on histamine intolerance (and I know many you did – it was one of the most popular of the year!), today’s interview is the perfect follow-up conversation.

Joining me is Beth O’Hara, a Functional Naturopath specializing in complex chronic health conditions related to Mast Cell Activation and Histamine Intolerance. For those suffering from autoimmune disease or who feel worse immediately upon starting SIBO treatment, learning more about MCAS might be a big missing piece of the puzzle.

A quick taste of what we’ll cover: What mast cells’ role is in the immune system and why they contribute to chronic inflammation How mast cells issues relate to other autoimmune conditions The connection to histamine intolerance The genetic predispositions that could make someone more susceptible to immune issues like MCAS What a low histamine diet should actually entail Pharmaceutical options for MCAS and why it’s not the only answer Why it’s a good thing to be a sensitive canary! And so much more... Resources, mentions and notes: Beth O'Hara's website MastCell360 Root Triggers Report Beth’s low histamine food list EP 15 | Histamine Intolerance 101 with Heidi Turner EP 29 | Environmental Toxins 101 with Lara Adler – to learn more about avoidance! Phoebe’s book, The Wellness Project, on her journey with Hashimoto's Phoebe's online program, 4 Weeks to Wellness Join the SIBO Made Simple Facebook Community Page Subscribe to receive a free low FODMAP cookbook

This episode is brought to you by 4 Weeks to Wellness, my online program for finding the sweet spot between health and hedonism. Need 4-weeks worth of easy low FODMAP recipes with a step-by-step meal plan laid out for you? You’ll receive a 20-recipe cookbook, complete with shopping lists, elimination diet guidance and reintroduction worksheets, in addition to the many other program resources like my symptom and activity tracker, lymphatic massage videos, doable desk stretches, and so much more. The 300+ people who have joined the tribe have reported clearer skin, calmer tummies, less bloat, tamer food cravings, and a general ease over their newfound habits. To find out more details about when the next session starts, click here. Use the code SIBOMADESIMPLE at checkout for $40 off!

Disclaimer: The information in this podcast does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, or treatment. The information discussed is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical or professional care.