Previous Episode: #17 - 6 Degrees of Berto
Next Episode: #19 - Rainy Walnuts

Bringing the heat with a fresh episode. The podcast is now old enough to vote and talk about me becoming a Citizen as of tomorrow December 7th. I find out that Bald Eagles sound like squeaky grocery carts and I Raptor my head around it. A poor soul in China gets Steve Irwined in the D and I laugh way too hard at it. Plus I am shocked by the fact that many people clean their comdoms after using them because we are savages. Lastly I do a #deepdishberto moment and talk about my time in sports and becoming an Illustrator.

Drop a 5 Star Review on iTunes so I can read it on the podcast, which should be very interesting!

Please feel free to check me out on all social media.

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