The Beaufort Bomber was colloquially known as the workhorse of the RAAF during World War Two and played a key role in Australia's defence. In this podcast, convenor of the Beaufort Squadrons Reunion Tony Clark unpacks the story behind the plane. Hear why they were built on home soil, how women played a pivotal part in the construction and what happened when the plane was retired.


Keith Tucker and John Lloyd-Fillingham conducted interviews with many of the Beaufort aircrew veterans and former DAP factory workers at the 2014 Beaufort Squadrons Association reunion. The sentiments and words these individuals shared about their experiences were incorporated into an audiovisual on display at the Shrine of Remembrance. The audio from this project can be heard throughout the podcast. 


Some Smoke by National Promenade Band

Fading Light by Josh Lim 


Courtesy of the Australian War Memorial