As I mentioned the other day, we all have this inner voice; this mental chatter going on all the time.

It’s not a ‘voice’ that you necessarily ‘hear’ in your head, but instead, you can think of it as the way you think.

This inner voice can either be supportive, or harsh and doubtful…

It can be kind and loving, or cruel and mean…

It can look for solutions, or place blame…

But how did it all begin?

In today’s episode, I talk about the origins of your self-talk residing in the programming of your early childhood:

I also talk about how all our relationships, occupations, and hobbies become both the expression of this programming and a force that solidifies and deepens this programming.

Of course, I also talk about solutions!

If you have any questions about this topic, I encourage you to click the link below to claim the free coaching session that already belongs to you: