We all have mental chatter running in our minds from the time we are very young until the end of our lives.

This inner voice, if you will, can be optimistic or pessimistic…

It can be supportive or blaming…

Kind and compassionate or mean and cruel…

Whatever quality our particular inner voice possesses will determine the kind of actions we take in our lives.

A supportive inner voice makes you take a chance on something, while a blaming inner voice will make you talk yourself out of even trying.

But here’s the thing: even if your inner voice is filled with pessimism and negativity, you always have the choice to take the action that suits and benefits you at any given moment.

The key lies in hearing this voice with non-judging and curious awareness.

In today’s episode, I talk about this (along with a personal example to help illustrate the point:

I mentioned above that you always have the choice to take a certain action to suit you, but you also always have the power to change this inner voice, too.

You can, with some very simple practice, develop an inner voice that is a cheerleader instead of a drill sergeant.

(And abundant research data in the field of self-compassion show us that we’re far better off with the cheerleader, rather than the sergeant!)

If you’d like to learn a very simple and easy practice that will enable you to do just this, please click this link to claim your free coaching session with me:
