Anytime we can operate from a place of our authentic self, we operate from the most optimized and capable place within us.

The challenge becomes finding and connecting to this authentic self, what I like to call my Art-Ness.

In today’s episode, I talk about how I lost sight of my Art-Ness through a childhood that was influenced by those people around me and their behavior:

Of course, I also cover in today’s episode not only the ‘why’ for finding our authenticity, but perhaps more importantly, the ‘How’.

The good news is that the method for reaching and connecting to your authentic self includes the same practices I talk about here all the time.

It’s about cultivating a deep awareness of ourselves that is Present, Accepting, Compassionate, and Curious.

If you’d like to learn how to apply the practices in this way, or to talk about your Ness, or anything else, I invite you to click this link to schedule a friendly, no-cost phone consultation:

And if you’d like to support my work on the Showing up to Your Life program, here’s your link: