Whenever we experience anything at all, we experience it in four specific ways:

In our body, in the form of physical sensation…

In our emotions…

In our thoughts…

And we experience things in our nervous system.

This last one has a lot to do with the patterns and tendencies that arise from the programming that happens in our early childhood.

In today’s episode, I walk through a traditional practice called RAIN:

The acronym RAIN stands for Recognition, Acceptance, Investigation, and Non-Identification, and is in some ways a model for mindfulness applied to our moment-to-moment existence.

You can practice RAIN intentionally, when something is ‘cooking’ in your life.

And if you do practice it intentionally, it will eventually become a natural and automatic response for all the experiences of your life.

If you have any questions about the RAIN practice, or would like to reach out for assistance in any other practice, (Or just chat about whatever!) you can book a no-cost phone consultation with me by clicking this link:


And if you’re interested in joining our 6-Week Introduction to Mindfulness course, you can register for the encore performance of the first class, this Saturday morning, here:


To join our Saturday get together, which includes a guided meditation and discussion, click here:


You can find the Learning to Surf podcast here:


And if you’d like to support my work on the Showing up to Your Life program, here’s your link:
