When I talk about how simple the practices of mindfulness and heartfulness are, people often ask:

“If it’s all so simple, why do people need a coach?”

And this is a great question!

The reason these simple practices can be difficult to implement in our lives is that from our earliest age, we are taught to be mostly opposite to the presence, acceptance, compassion, and curiosity that feed our wellbeing.

So how does a coach help?

First, the coach offers some techniques. In my case, this means simple practices.

Second, a coach offers accountability which always results in higher rates of success.

And third - and this is really the one thing a coach does that NOBODY else in our lives can- a coach offers an honest, accurate, and unbiased reflection.

And this last point, far more often than not, means showing you how well you are doing (not how poorly!)

Are you interested in learning what it’s like to work with a coach?