If you knew for sure that the person helping you at the register was suffering in some way, how would that impact the way you interact with them?

Perhaps you would soften your voice a little...

Maybe you would use kind words...

And make eye contact and smile as you tell them to have a nice day.

Of course, we would all do this if we knew someone was suffering.

But we almost never assume the people around us are suffering.

In fact, we usually assume the exact opposite, especially when we’re going through some difficulty.

So as you make your way through holiday gift and food shopping these next few days, I invite you to assume the people around you are suffering in some way.

This will push you towards compassion and you will enjoy higher levels of well being as a result.

In today’s audio, I talk about a simple compassion practice you can do any time you’re waiting somewhere.

Let me know what you think.