Showing your business who’s boss is about showing up every day in your business asking how can I make something happen, not wondering if it will happen or hoping it will happen or feeling like it won’t happen because of a million reasons. That’s the same kind of tenacity with which I want to approach doing my part to fix the injustices in our society.


I’m not going to release an episode today. Instead, I just wanted to share with you, in case you don’t know, where I stand on this issue.


I stand with everybody who is discriminated against, who doesn’t have access to the same opportunities and resources that other people do, and certainly with the families of anybody who has been hurt or killed by people of authority because of the color of their skin. Specifically, I believe Black lives matter and I fiercely condemn police violence against Black people and people of color.


I stand with them, and I’m working on putting together a long-lasting plan to make sure that I am consistently supporting this movement from now on.

That means donating money to organizations to support the people who are doing this work full time
It means educating myself more on systemic racism and the overt and covert ways people of color are held back in this world every day
It means looking for ways I can use my business to help create a more equitable society. Because I know that economics can play a great role in this movement


I’ll return next week with another episode of Show Your Business Who’s Boss where my mission is to empower individuals to grow profitable businesses. Profitable business owners tend to have a larger platform and more economic agency and have the potential to be powerful players in this movement as well.


In the meantime, I highly recommend checking out some of the amazing podcasts out there hosted by people of color. NPR's Code Switch, specifically their latest episode called A Decade of Watching Black People Die, is a great start. I’m also seeking out more Black and POC voices for my podcast feed and will be linking to some more recommendations in the show notes as well.


Thank you for listening.


Podcasts to learn from:

Code Switch
The Opt-In with Aurora + Kelly
Pause On The Play
Call Your Girlfriend


Places to donate:

Nationwide Bailout Fund
Black Lives Matter