Anyone can take a personality test.


I bet you’ve taken quite a few yourself before. They’re easily accessible, insightful, and entertaining. Rarely, though, do people take what they’ve learned and applied it practically into their lives.


But what if we did?


What if you applied the information to structure your work day, what you work on and what you outsource, and even what your business should focus on?


Spending the majority of your time working on things in your zone of genius is a great way to be more effective AND more fulfilled—and that might just be your next step to showing your business who’s boss.

Today’s guest is a huge proponent of personality tests and a total boss of his business, Jake Jorgovan. Jake is a serial entrepreneur, author, podcaster, and business advisor and the Founder of Lead Cookie, Content Allies, and Arete Incubator. Through these companies he’s generated $40M+ in sales for his clients. He’s also the host of the Working Without Pants Podcast and shares the raw lessons of his entrepreneurial journey at


Tune into this episode to hear:

How to use personality tests, like Strengths Finder, to most effectively focus your time, and communicate with those around you
How a personality test helped Jake find a much more effective position for one of his employees
Jake’s brilliant hiring process that helps him save time by weeding out 95% of applicants upfront and still find the person who will best fit in with the team
Plus, Jake helps me get my mind right about bringing people in house


Learn more about Jake Jorgovan:
Jake’s About Me page
Connect with Jake on LinkedIn


Learn more about Pia:

No BS Agency Owners Free Facebook Group

The Show Your Business Who's Boss Crash Course
Start reading the first chapter of my book


Other resources from this episode:
