Back in 2013, I joined the Accelerator Program of EO (Entrepreneur’s Organization) as an investment to grow my business.

I learned a ton from the program, made great connections and some great friends. But one major thing I learned through that experience wasn’t something they taught.

Through the program, rubbing elbows and networking with other members, I learned that people whose businesses were making way more money than mine, were actually taking home less money than I was.

That lesson shaped my whole perspective on how to build a business that gives you what you want in life. The top-line revenue isn’t going to determine what kind of business and life you have.

So let’s dig into the differences between revenue, profit, and income and why you have to distinguish them in your mind.

Tune into this episode to hear:

Doing the math on revenue, profit, and income to get to the life you want to liveThe two types of profit that I include in the Freedom CalculatorWhy a sole focus on increasing your revenue will actually diminish your profit


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