If you’re hearing rumors that there is a recession coming, or that we might even be in a recession right now, and you’re thinking this maybe isn’t the right time to invest in your business, this one’s for you.

I want to tell you a story of what happened in our businesses the last time the proverbial sh*t hit the fan: March 2020.

Today I’m sharing how members of my 2020 group coaching program responded when COVID hit, and what the most successful strategies were.

Hint: It wasn’t playing it safe.

Tune into this episode to hear:

Why tripling down on building her authority machine and refining her lead product helped one member land over $100K in new business for Q1 2021How going all-in on a new program made one business owner bounce back after losing her biggest client in March 2020Why now is the time to double down and invest in your business

Learn more about Pia: 

Apply for No BS Agencies MasteryNo BS LaunchpadNo BS Agency Owners Free Facebook GroupThe Show Your Business Who's Boss Crash Course Start reading the first chapter of my bookPiasilva.comThe 50/25/25 Rule to Profit and Freedom™ Mini Course