An incredible 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute and almost 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube every single day.

Crazy, right?!

And while those numbers might seem intimidating, it’s also motivation to start doing more video for your business. Video is one of the fastest ways to connect with your audience and build trust… and trust is what leads to sales.

Though video isn’t right for everyone, if you know you could crush it, I urge you to take this opportunity to consider whether it could be your next step in showing your business who’s boss.

On today’s episode, I’m speaking with video marketing guru and total boss of her business, Paige Wilhide.

Paige is a storyteller, content creator, and video coach who’s dedicated to helping you get out of your head and in front of the camera so you can make amazing videos that grow your business. She coaches mission-driven entrepreneurs and influencers on everything from content strategy to at-home video production to camera confidence.

Tune into this episode to hear:

How improv can make you a better business owner
Where are video marketers focusing? Tik Tok? Instagram Live?  YouTube? Or somewhere else?
How to make your partner, prospects, and clients look and feel like geniuses (a great skill to have!)
A jaw-dropping insight about YouTube Ads, of all things, that now makes me want to start trying them out right now

Learn more about Paige:
21 Days to Camera Confidence Course
Video Personality Quiz

Learn more about Pia:

The Show Your Business Who's Boss Crash Course
Start reading the first chapter of my book

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