Whenever we talk about success in business, it’s usually about how to make more money, how to make more profit, how to get more clients, better clients, improve your process, improve your systems.

What we don’t often talk about is the personal side of business success.

Can you call it a successful business if it’s draining you personally and physically?

We build businesses because we want to have lives we’re proud of and that we enjoy living. And your personal and physical health is absolutely a part of that.

But how do you maintain both? How do you find balance without sacrificing?

Tune into this episode to hear:

Why it’s so hard for business owners to turn off and stop workingHow we implemented #SpainBrain at home and how it changed our productivityQuestions to ask to help make space for taking care of yourself

Learn more about Pia: 

No BS LaunchpadNo BS Agency Owners Free Facebook GroupThe Show Your Business Who's Boss Crash Course Start reading the first chapter of my bookPiasilva.comThe 50/25/25 Rule to Profit and Freedom™ Mini Course


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