Every business owner suffers from Impostor Syndrome--that feeling that you’re a fraud and it’s only a matter of time until everyone else finds out.


Yes, believe it or not, even I feel that way on a regular basis.


And so does my guest today–my dear friend and the founder of NY Book Editors--Natasa Lekic. Despite those fraudy feelings, Natasa knows how to show her business who’s boss.


Natasa is one of my only business owner friends who, whenever I text her midday, midweek, I’m surprised if she’s actually working.


Her business is lean and full of automation and systems that, as she puts it, renders her basically useless. She has one full-time employee, one part-time employee, and 35 contractors. Her business gives her a beautiful lifestyle – she brings in about $750,000 a year and last year she did it while taking 2 full months off to travel to 7 different countries.


NY Book Editors is the premier affiliation of professional editors and copy editors that help authors meet their writing goals. Her editors have worked for Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, their booklists include New York Times Bestsellers, winners of the Pulitzer Prize, and my book–Badass Your Brand. I can personally attest to how badass her business really is.


Despite her badassery, Natasa isn’t immune from feeling like a fraud or even making mistakes. None of us are–and that makes today’s conversation an important one.


If you are thinking about writing a book or have one in the pipeline, definitely go to newyorkbookeditors.com for their amazing articles, and maybe even to find an editor for your book! Plus you should definitely check out Natasa on their YouTube channel for stellar writing advice and inspiration.


You'll also find her interview with me there, where I share all kinds of juicy details about how I self-published and then self-marketed my book and got 100 reviews on Amazon in the first month.


*Note* That quote at the end of the episode about the meaning of life (that I couldn’t remember who said it) it was Picasso that said that after all!!


Listen to the full episode to hear:

How “Imposter syndrome” is something almost every entrepreneur I meet struggles with including both of us
Why Natasa built her business without using her face or name and why she’s starting to put herself in front of the brand
How mistakes hold us back and how they can propel us forward
And “The benefits of knowing what you value in life” so you can prioritize your business and life


Natasa’s Links:

NY Book Editors
Twitter: @nybookeditors
Instagram: @nybookeditors
YouTube Channel


Pia’s Links:

No BS Agency Owners Free Facebook Group

The Show Your Business Who's Boss Crash Course
Start reading the first chapter of my book



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