Kate is the engine at Entrepreneurs On Fire, an award winning podcast where John Lee Dumas interviews inspiring Entrepreneurs who are truly ON FIRE. She is also the host of the podcast Ditch Busy and co-author of The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days. Learn more about the free training Kate & John have created for entrepreneurs who are ready to achieve financial and lifestyle freedom over at EOFire.com!

You can connect with Kate by going to following link:

Social  links @


EOFire website  @ https://www.eofire.com
Ditch Busy website @ http://ditchbusy.com

Please send me your feedback, any topics you would like me to cover, any concerns and questions at [email protected]

You can follow me at

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Show-Up-With-Priyanka-Podcast-103190054621506

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/priyankakhandalkar/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/priyanka-khandalkar-265bab18/

Work with me:

Systems and High Performing Team saves more than just the sale. When you have amazing leaders, positive contagious team culture and a powerful system in place, you will be able to run epic promotions, increase your sales, & scale your company beyond what you think is possible.

You create a highly functioning team that operates from strengths and leverage and automate your systems to scale.🤑

As founder and CEO of Scaling To Grow, I've seen all the techniques everyone is using under the sun that actually works. That is why I'm hosting a 5 Day "How To Implement The 4 Day Workweek & Maximize Your Team" Challenge to further help you bring your vision to life in order to create impact.  

Curious , join my next 5 days free training at https://scalingtogrow.com/



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