Dr. Benjamin Hardy is an organizational psychologist and bestselling author Willpower Doesn't Work. From 2015-2018, he was the #1 writer in the world on Medium.com. During that time, he grew his email list from 0 to 400,000 without paid advertising. Ben and his wife Lauren adopted three children from the foster system in February 2018 and one month later, Lauren got pregnant with twins who were born in December of 2018.They live in Orlando. Ben's blogs are read by millions monthly.

You can connect with Benjamin Hardy in social media by going to 

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjaminhardy88/

Order Dr Hardy's new book "Personality Isn't Permanent" by going to: https://www.amazon.com/Personality-Isnt-Permanent-Self-Limiting-Beliefs/dp/0593083318/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8

Personality Isn't Permanent Explanation:

Personality Isn’t Permanent debunks the pervasive myths of personality that have captured pop culture. For example, personality tests like Myers-Briggs and Enneagram are not only psychologically destructive but are no more scientific than horoscopes. Personality Isn’t Permanent provides science-based strategies for reframing past memories, becoming the scribe of your identity narrative, upgrading your subconscious, and redesigning your environment. Science proves you are going to change throughout your life. You might as well be intentional about that change. 

Advanced Praise for Personality Isn't Permanent 

“Personality Isn’t Permanent is possibly the best self-help book I’ve ever read, and a book that will redefine the genre. After this book, it’s no longer good enough to talk about untested theory—Ben backs everything up with both amazing stories and cutting edge, tested science, while still making it actionable to anyone. Best part: this is the book that destroys all the useless personality test peddlers that infect the world.”— Tucker Max, New York Times bestselling author

“In Personality Isn’t Permanent, Dr. Hardy crushes an outdated paradigm and gives you the process to create a bigger, bolder future.”—JJ Virgin, New York Times bestselling author

“Ben Hardy is proof of what he writes about. He keeps getting better and better—and so can you.”—Ryan Holiday, New York Times bestselling author

“For those looking to up their game, Personality Isn’t Permanent is more than a hopeful and fascinating read, it is utterly applicable. In the crowded genre of self-help/business, Hardy’s book is a game-changer.”—Richard Paul Evans, New York Times bestselling author

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