This week I am joined by the great Wren Apollo ( we talk

about this wild year, Pokemon, Larping and Mechs. It all connects, I promise.

Our shout outs into the void start with a close friend of Wren, Red Pelaez (  Find out more about this awesome person and their great work for Extra Life ( (

Next one is Its a great resource for crisis intervention and resources for mental health for teens especially those that are LGBTQ+  or questioning. They are a great foundation, any help is great, sharing is even better.

If you want to see and hear more of Wren, check out all their work it is all super dang awesome.

Here is their Link Tree

Follow their Actual Play show

Star Wars!

And their awesome stream!

That is going to be it this week! Take care of each other, take care of yourselves, see you soon.


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