My guest enjoyed writing these little notes/rhythmes  for her mother to discover, as much as her mom loved uncovering them. It's hard when you only get to visit with your loved ones only once a year.  That's just one of the reasons Jennifer decided to leave 'bread crumbs' of love for her mother to happen upon.

Well, this tradition of leaving notes of sentiment went on for at least 10 years and it wasn't until Jennifer's mother died that she found a box full of individual plastic bags, each containing a years worth of small pieces of paper with words of love and admiration.

Kate Fell, Jennifer's mother was a very accomplished pianist but had to give it all up because of WWII and supporting her daughter while her husband served for his country. When Jennifer was a young girls, she recalls sneaking out of bed and crawling near the top of the stairs so she could listen to her mother play the piano.  She was enchanted by her mother's love of Chopin and Brahms and still listens to classical music today while she writes. 

My guest had the endless support of her maternal grandmother  as well as her mother. They were always there for her. Jennifer says as a mother, looking back their love and devotion helped her raise her own daughter the way she had been raised.

