My guest lived in California upon arriving in the US from the Philippines with her mom and dad and two older brothers. There definitely was a big adjustment to make culturally and that took a tole on Mayim as a young teen. 

With both parents working full time, Mayim was often left to her own devices. She's very happy that her children are not exposed to the same socio-cultural conflicts. All of her nine children are home schooled. 

  Mayim did a complete about face when it came to her career. She used to be a computer scientist and engineer at NASA Ames Research Center in Moffet Field, CA. Now she is a Naturopathic Herbalist and founder of  Arukah- the Holistic Life Academy.  In other words, Mayim is someone that uses all sorts of holistic methods for healing, including diet, nutrition, orthomolecular nutrition-mega dose vitamin therapy and  detoxification including toxic mindset/toxic relationships, etc.

Corazon or Cora as her mom likes to be called had a positive impact on her daughter's life regardless of the fact that she worked and worked and worked when Mayim was young. 

Hope you enjoy this conversation.