Bobbi has such a wonderful perspective on life and I think it really comes through during our conversation about her mother and her childhood. Leila, Bobbi's mom was loving and had her hands full with eight children. She had an orderly way of making sure everything got done and the kids all happy. She also took the time, morning and evening, to spend a few minutes with her husband.  The family traveled together and spend lots of time enjoying their adventures by the sea.

From Bobbi's Website "Fly Mom Fly":

Author, Podcaster and Advocate for the Empty Nest Mom.

Since becoming an Advanced Practitioner of Life Coaching and Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming with The Coaching Institute in Melbourne, Australia in 2008, as well as a Reiki Practitioner in 1997, Bobbi has helped hundreds of women breakthrough challenging life transitions.

​She is the author of The Post Nest Plan, 10 Reasons You May Not Be Happy & 10 Remedies So You Can Be, 12 Steps to Self-Empowerment, creator of the Self Inventory for the Savvy Sisterhood workshop, has contributed in self-help features for Cleo & Cosmopolitan magazines in Australia, wrote the weekly Life Matters column for an Australian newspaper, and penned the viral quote "Your perception of me is a reflection of you; my reaction to you is an awareness of me." in June 2012

​She knows her purpose and it's this: "You matter in this world. If I'm going to help myself, I'll help you, too."

Her style, content and delivery stems from her own personal experience of going through challenges that are similar to her audience, using her expertise to coach herself through them, and then bringing those self-inventory techniques and newfound awareness to women who are struggling.

She brings humor, self-deprecation and realness along with empathy, a deep and personal understanding of pain, and the ‘Australian mateship’ attitude: the bonds of loyalty and equality, and feelings of solidarity and sisterhood.


"Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers and the roles they play in our lives. And my guests answer the question, 'are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother'? You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

"Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal relationships with their mother.

Some of my guests include Baritone Singer Christopheren Nomura, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist Tim Wacker, Activist Kim Miller, Freighter Sea Captain Terry Viscount, Film Production Manager Peg Robinson, Professor of Writing Montclair State University Dr. Bridget Brown, Tammy Steckler, attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter Mark Heingartner, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist, Maryellen Valyo Cole and Roger Evens, Property Manager in New Jersey and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

I've worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. I've interviewed so many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created my logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

Check out my website for more background information:

Or more demos of what's to come at

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Should have listened to my mother

Jackie Tantillo


Should have listened to my mother



Jackie Tantillo


Should have listened to my mother