Today’s topic is finding love during COVID 19. This is such a challenging time for people across the board. More than ever people are longing for human connection. Loneliness is so amplified at this time. Some people are in a state of shock, they’re feeling isolated, financially fearful, or even feeling their own mortality. There is so much uncertainty in the world. I believe this a time for humanity, to share stories that will uplift others.

 Dating is a skill that you have to learn. Once you have the right coaching and correct information you can attract and find that perfect person. We all just need a little guidance and some strategies. Today’s episode is an conversation with Amy Nobile, owner of a dating concierge company called Love, Amy.

Amy is a successful author who’s published 4 books and is also the owner Love, Amy is  service that helps teach you how to be successful in online dating and ultimately find love. Love, Amy was featured in the New York Times, Business Insider and even the Today Show.

 We discuss the dating trends while people are staying home and social distancing. Amy discusses how Face Time dates is a useful tool during quarantine, we discuss the trends of walk and talk dates ––6 feet away and why this is a great time to practice and become better at dating.

 Amy, discusses how she prepares her clients to have the right mindset for online dating. We stress the importance of attitude and energy as you sift through all of the wrong people in order to find Mr. Right.

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