These are challenging times for sure but this is a moment to pause, reset, and, start over. Make a clear plan for your future. You’re not alone, this time everyone will be on a new path.

Unfortunately, the playing field has been leveled. It's been leveled, in some way or another for all of us. Maybe you've just lost your job or ended a relationship? Or maybe you're one of those two people pulling on that rope and it finally snapped. 

For most people, Covid-19 will either bring you closer together or break you apart. Or maybe this extreme hardship will be the push you need to finally leave that relationship that hasn't been working for a long time.

During Covid–19 every one of us is facing major setbacks. Are we being pushed backward or catapulted forward? I think we've each been given an opportunity. This could apply to business or your health. In this episode, Kerry discusses how online dating is a real opportunity to find love. We've always had this opportunity to find love. We just had too much fear or too much negativity associated with online dating. That's all that was holding us back

In this episode, Kerry will discuss all of the reasons we hold ourselves back, all the excuses we make to avoid joining online dating. Once you address and clear away those blocks you will be mentally strong to jump into the world of online dating.

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