We know you work relentlessly in your aesthetic practice to provide only the best customer service and procedures to keep patients happy, build their trust and build a strong brand image. When it comes to online reviews, there’s no doubt they have the power to help accomplish these goals, however, how do you deal with a negative review that has the ability to do the complete opposite?  


Tune in to this episode of Shorr Solutions: The Podcast to learn what to do and what to avoid when handling negative online reviews including, how to keep track of recurring issues from unsatisfied patients, how to turn negative feedback into opportunities for improvement and how to respond in a courteous and HIPAA-compliant way to minimize damages and maintain your credibility.


Schedule your free 30-minute consult with our experts, Jay Shorr and Mara Shorr, here.


To sign up for our Conversion Cascade online course, click here. Don’t forget to enter code PODCAST at checkout for 20% OFF! 

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